Sunday, March 30, 2014


              On the 18th of October 2013, the Leo club organised a Movie Marathon Project. This project was carried out for all Form 3’s to enjoy movies that they were unable to watch before their major examinations. The project was also aimed to raise funds for the Leo club.

             The Movie Marathon started at 10.50 am, which was after the Form 3’s recess. Students started entering the venue after their recess. All 21 students enjoyed the first movie, The Croods. They paid RM 2 for the movie and the Leo’s sold drinks for RM 1.20. The movie ended at 12.30p.m.

             At 12.40 p.m. on the same day, the Leo’s played the second movie The Odd Life of Timothy Green. Although only 3 students came for the movie, the show still went on. After the movie ended, the Leo’s helped to clean up the place and left for home at 3.00p.m.

            Overall it was a good experience for the Leo’s who helped out in this project. They learned a great deal when organizing this project.

Report by,
Leo Sharon Lee

photos taken during the project:

the movie being played

students engrossed in watching