On 29 of November (Friday), the Leo club of SMK Assunta had organised the Beach Clean Up project. The purpose of this project is to let us know the importance of keeping a clean environment and to let the Leos to have a new experience. Around 15 Leos participated in this project. We gathered at SMK Assunta at 7 a.m and we started our journey to Bagan Lalang beach when everyone had reached . Bagan Lalang Beach which is in Sepang was about a 2 hours journey from SMK Assunta. We couldn’t wait to see the scenery there and of course the main purpose is to clean the beach.
There were three instructors there to lead us. The instructor told us not to pick up certain colours of cloth because they were used for prayers as well as other things too. After the briefing, we worked in pairs and started our beach cleaning. All of us did our best to pick up all the rubbish and finally we managed to finish the task in about 45 minutes. During the beach cleaning, we had experienced the fun of cleaning the beach. The beach was better than before and we are happy to give a helping hand to clean the beach.
Miss Laila, the instructor of this project, weighed all the rubbish that we have collected. We managed to pick up around 90.3 kg of rubbish on the beach. All of us were so happy because all our hard work worth it. Before we left the beach, we carried on to the next project called ‘I Planted A Tree’ at the same place where we had to plant some mangrove seeds.
Report by,
Leo Cheong Kah Mun
Photos taken during this project:
Leos getting a briefing on what kind of rubbish to pick up.
Leos picking up rubbish on the beach.
The Leos at the beach after the clean up.