Sunday, March 30, 2014


     International Leo Day was to be held on the 5th of December 2013 but due to inconvenience, the Leo Club of SMK Assunta had decided to carry out this project on the 4th of December 2013. The 4th of December also happened to coincide with the first day of our Christmas Caroling project practice. So, we decided to carry on with our practice and after that go to Taman Jaya to do our part as Leos.

During the practice, we were multitasking as we were packing biscuits, sticking labels onto the packets, sticking labels onto water bottles as well as practicing our singing for Christmas Caroling.

     After that, we had asked Lion Ivan for permission to go toTaman Jaya and distribute the packets of biscuits to the people of the park.

     Anyone and everyone who was there got a packet of biscuits and a bottle of water. We distributed the biscuits and water to everyone we saw including workers, gardeners, cleaning ladies, stall owners, children playing and families eating. It was a fantastic feeling to see the smile on their faces that show that they are so appreciative for what we did. That, to most people, is enough to brighten up their day.

     All in all, it was a very productive day as we had two Taman SEA Leos helping us and we managed to finish off all the biscuits and water bottle.

Report by,
Leo Vinosha Areni

Photos taken during this project:

Leos socializing with the public.

Leos handing out free biscuits ad bottled water.

A group shot of the Leos with children in the park.