Sunday, March 30, 2014


   On the 25th of February, 22 Leos from SMK Assunta took the CLD Orientation test. The test was conducted after school hours from 1.30pm until 4.00pm. Lion Marcus Loh and Lion Nelson Wong attended to the Leos in school. It started of with the Leos listening to Lion Marcus, who gave a brief presentation and talk about what Leo is all about.

    The talk finished at about 3.15pm and the Leos then proceeded to sit for the test. Some Leos finished early and left soon after. All in all, the test went very well for all the Leos and we are all in anticipation to find out if we passed the test.

Report by,
Leo Vinosha Areni


    One the 23d of February, the Leo Club of SMK Damansara Jaya had organized a “From Gift To Gifts” Charity Concert. The purpose of this concert was to purchase adialysis machine for the National Kidney Foundation (NKF). There were a few categories to purchase the tickets which was the lowest price of RM 20 and the most expensive ones which was RM 200. Those who were willing to donate more than RM

200 were welcomed to.

     A few members from the Leo club of SMK Assunta went for the charity concert. The concert started at 8:00pm with the singing of the national anthem, speech by Lions and the president of SMK Damansara Jaya and so on. After that, the opening actwas performed by the cheerleaders of SMK Damansara Jaya with full of energy. The concert continued with a few singing and dancing performances too. Lastly, the president of the Leo Club of SMK Damansara Jaya, Solomon, did mask changing performance which was the climax of this concert. Finally, the concert ended with a wonderful performance at 10:30p.m. This concert was organized successfully and Leo Club Of SMK Damansara Jaya did a great job.

Report by,
Leo Cheong Kah Mun

Photos taken during this project:

SMKDJ's cheerleading team MickeyMitez performing

presenting the mocked check

Leo Solomon performing a mask changing performance


    On the 23rd of February 2014, 11 Leos and one probationer from the Leo Club of SMK Assunta visited two orphanage homes and gave out ice-creams to the children. This ice-cream project was organized by Leo Jahan along with the help from Leo Samantha Ong. Two mothers offered help as transport for this project. We gathered at the school at 12.40pm and left for the first home, Praise Emmanuel at 12.55pm.

     The journey to Praise Emmanuel from our school took only 10 minutes. We were greeted warmly by the friendly embrace of the children. Some of them remembereda few of the Leos who visited their home in another project before. We donatedseveral stacks of books and bags of clothes to the home. The children were a friendly bunch as they came towards all of us, shaking our hands politely and exchanging information about each other such as names, ages and interests.

     The second home we visited is Rumah Ozanam, a boy-girl separated community, so for this project, the boys gathered at the girl’s home instead considering of the bigger surrounding the girl’s home had. This home had a larger number of children of all ages. The girls were really pleasant and sweet, as for the boys, they were rather polite and active. Books were also donated to the home.

     Soon afterwards, the group photo was taken outside at the lawn and it was finally time to go home. The Leos had a lot of fun, playing and interacting with the children. We made such great connections with a lot of them and they were really going to be missed. We arrived back at school at 3.45pm. We hung about until our transport arrived. It was an amazing experience and we couldn’t wait for another project similar to this.

Report by,
Leo probate Jean Young.


    The Leo Club of SMK La Salle Pj organized a Leo Quiz which was held on the 22th of February, Saturday. It started at around 8.30a.m. at Taylor’s Lakeside Campus. The Leo Club of SMK Assunta sent two teams of 3 people. There were other clubs who attended this event, they were The Leo Club of Taman Petaling, USJ 8, Subang Utama, Sri KL and La Salle Klang.

     The quiz was to test our knowledge about the Lions Club International and also about our general knowledge. Only 4 teams were allowed to move on to the final round. Unfortunately, we did not qualify to the final round. The 4 teams who got into the final round were one team from the Leo Club of La Salle Klang and Leo Club of SMK USJ8 and two teams from the Leo Club of SMK Subang Utama. One of the teams from the Leo Club of SMK Subang Utama won the Leo Quiz for the final round.

     After that, everyone took a few group pictures together and were given certificates of participation. We had a good time and hopefully there are more events like this to come.

Report by,
Leo Samantha Ong

Photos taken during this project:

Leos busy answering the quiz questions.

A group photo of all the Leos and Lions.

Leos of SMK Assunta at the event.


     On the 10th to 14th of February, the Leo Club of Assunta Secondary School organized a Valentine’s Secret Service project. The Leos had made announcements a week prior to this event. We also stuck pieces of paper around the school to inform students of the project.

      The Leos sold cookies, lollipops and chocolates to be given out to their friends and teachers. This was a fundraising project to strengthen relationship amongst students and teachers as well as all members of Assunta Secondary School.

Report by,
Leo Shangeetha.


      On 25th January 2014, the Leo Club of SMK Assunta had organised a project to visit Trinity Community Centre in conjunction to Chinese New Year. Around 12 Leos along with our teacher advisor, Puan Suguna, attended this project. It was a very short visit as the children in the home had to go out for a trip.

     When we reached the centre at around 2.30p.m, we introduced ourselves to the children. Some of them already knew some of the Leos as we had visited them before. While waiting for some of the children to finish their lunch, we decided prepare the things we needed to make the Chinese New Year decorations.

     We thought them to make different type of Chinese New Year decorations using ang paus such as fishes, mini lanterns and flowers. Some of the Leos also taught the children how to make colourful string knots. The children were very interested in making them. After, the decorations were made, they were stringed up and hung around the home. It was a very short but fun visit with the children, it was nice to see them having fun making the decorations and learning something new too.

Report by,
Leo Daphne Tan

Photos taken during this project :

Leos and kids making paper goldfish.

Leos having fun with the kids.

A group photo of all Leos and the kids.


     On the 22nd of January 2014, the Leo club of SMKA conducted the 'To Me Assunta Is ..' project in anticipation for Assunta Spirit Week. 5 Leos were involved in this project. The project took place in 4 different locations around the school.

     So how did this project work? 4 big pieces of mounting board was used. We used coloured chalk to write "TO ME ASSUNTA IS ..." on each of the boards. These boards were hung up at four different locations, which were, by the lawn way, at the canteen, on the board by Bilik Jahitan 1 and another also at the lawn way.

     The students were provided with a piece of chalk and were asked to write what Assunta really meant to them. We had a huge response from this project. We even had seniors who have already left the school calling us up and asking us to leave a message for them on behalf of them. All in all, it was a huge success. The school gave an overwhelming support to us.

Report by,
Leo Chloe Narcis